Thursday 28 March 2013

Know About Jasmine Essential Oil

There are high chances most of us familiar with essential oil. Just like this oil even pure absolute oil are oil mixtures, highly concentrated and extracted from plants. They are aromatic oils and produced from steam distillation process. The extraction process is known as solvent extraction which involves the use of chemical solvent. Such oils are more concentrated that absolute oil.

When you buy essential oil there are certain things to watch out for. This is because poor quality oil which has been distilled from poor crops and have been stored improperly can have harmful effects on your skin. They lack any kind of therapeutic effect on your skin and are adulterated.

It is important to take note of words like “nature identical oil” or “fragrance oil”. These basically indicate that what you see is not actually pure essential oil. There are vendors that label such fragrance oils which are a combination of essential oil and chemicals. The other perfume oils are simply labeled as oils used in aromatherapy. You need to watch out for vendor that label these oils for their sales benefit.

Apart from all these, do you know that massage, body work and touch have positive effects on joint, circulatory, muscle and other body systems? When you massage your body with pure essential then it helps to create a soothing, luxurious and relaxing effect.

For example Jasmine oil is known for its rich, exotic and floral smell. The most common species is Jasminum grandiflorum which is used for essential oil extraction. In it 25% of blend is made from Jasminum officinale. Jasmine is an evergreen, climbing and fragile shrub. This can grow up to 10 meters, has dark green leaves and bears small white star shaped flowers. It is usually picked at night when the aroma is intense.

Jasmine oil starts its journey as concentrate which is made through solvent extraction method. Here the absolute is extracted from the concentrate by separating it from the alcohol. The essential oil is then produced through steam distillation process. There are about 100 constituents found in Jasmine oil out of which the essential chemicals are benzyl acetate, benzyl alcohol, indole, cis-jasmine, methyl anthranilate and small amount of p.cresol.

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